Targeting influence in a harmonic opinion model
Z. Boyd, N. Fraiman, J. Marzuola, P. Mucha and B. Osting.
Algorithms for the ferromagnetic Potts model on expanders.
C. Carlson, E. Davies, N. Fraiman, A. Kolla, A. Potukuchi and C. Yap.
To appear in Combinatorics, Probability and Computing.
Opinion dynamics on directed complex networks.
N. Fraiman, T. Lin and M. Olvera-Cravioto.
To appear in Mathematics of Operations Research.
An escape time formulation for subgraph detection and partitioning of directed graphs.
Z. Boyd, N. Fraiman, J. Marzuola, P. Mucha and B. Osting.
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 45(1) : 685–711 (2024).
Stochastic recursions on directed random graphs.
N. Fraiman, T. Lin and M. Olvera-Cravioto.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 166:104055 (2023).
The Shadow knows: Empirical Distributions of Minimum Spanning Acycles and Persistence Diagrams of Random Complexes
N. Fraiman, S. Mukherjee and G. Thoppe.
Discrete Analysis, 2023:2, 18 pp. (2023).
Algorithms for the ferromagnetic Potts model on expanders.
C. Carlson, E. Davies, N. Fraiman, A. Kolla, A. Potukuchi and C. Yap.
IEEE 63rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), Denver, CO, USA, 344–355 (2022).
On the power of choice for Boolean functions.
N. Fraiman, L. Lichev and D. Mitsche.
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 36(3):1943–1954 (2022).
Approximating Quasi-Stationary Distributions with Interacting Reinforced Random Walks.
A. Budhiraja, N. Fraiman and A. Waterbury.
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, 26:69–125 (2022).
Asymptotics of Quasi-Stationary Distributions of Small Noise Stochastic Dynamical Systems in Unbounded Domains.
A. Budhiraja, N. Fraiman and A. Waterbury.
Advances in Applied Probability, 54(1):64–110 (2022).
Community Modulated Recursive Trees and Population Dependent Branching Processes.
S. Bhamidi, R. Fan, N. Fraiman and A. Nobel.
Random Structures & Algorithms , 60(2):201–232 (2022).
A metric on directed graphs and Markov chains based on hitting probabilities.
Z. Boyd, N. Fraiman, J. Marzuola, P. Mucha, B. Osting and J. Weare.
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science , 3(2):467–493 (2021).
Classification with Nearest Disjoint Centroids.
N. Fraiman and Z. Li.
Preprint arXiv:2109.10436
Biclustering with Alternating K-Means.
N. Fraiman and Z. Li.
Preprint arXiv:2009.04550.
Recursive functions on conditional Galton-Watson trees.
N. Broutin, L. Devroye and N. Fraiman.
Random Structures & Algorithms , 57(2):304– 316 (2020).
The diameter of Inhomogeneous random graphs.
N. Fraiman and D. Mitsche.
Random Structures & Algorithms , 53(2):308–326 (2018).
Public goods games in populations with fluctuating size.
A. McAvoy, N. Fraiman, C. Hauert, J. Wakeley and M. Nowak.
Theoretical Population Biology , 121:72–84 (2018).
Non Parametric statistics of dynamic networks with distinguishable nodes.
D. Fraiman, N. Fraiman and R. Fraiman.
TEST , 26(3):546–573 (2017).
A De Bruijn-Erdos theorem for chordal graphs.
L. Beaudou, A. Bondy, X. Chen, E. Chiniforooshan, M. Chudnovsky, V. Chvátal, N. Fraiman and Y. Zwols.
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics , 22(1):P1.70 (2015).
The random connection model on the torus.
L. Devroye and N. Fraiman.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing , 23(5):796–804 (2014).
Connectivity of inhomogeneous random graphs.
L. Devroye and N. Fraiman.
Random Structures and Algorithms , 45(3):408–420 (2014).
Connectivity threshold for Bluetooth graphs.
N. Broutin, L. Devroye, N. Fraiman and G. Lugosi.
Random Structures & Algorithms , 44(1):45–66 (2014).
Lines in hypergraphs.
L. Beaudou, A. Bondy, X. Chen, E. Chiniforooshan, M. Chudnovsky, V. Chvátal, N. Fraiman and Y. Zwols.
Combinatorica , 33(6):633-654 (2013).
Depth properties of scaled attachment random recursive trees.
L. Devroye, O. Fawzi and N. Fraiman.
Random Structures & Algorithms , 41(1):66-98 (2012).
The height of scaled attachment random recursive trees.
L. Devroye, O. Fawzi and N. Fraiman.
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings , 129-142 (2010).